Activating unrealized SDG potential in the Canadian venture ecosystem

The galvanizing capacity of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is of significant import for government and policy makers and highlights where environmental and social justice communities are often already hard at work. In addition, they reflect changes underway that create opportunities for ventures to improve and deliver new products and services that fit with and contribute to a better future. That is what led us to create Venture Better

Across the northern summer, we screened 500 Canadian ventures for alignment with the SDGs, previewing how this vital national ecosystem contributes. As our pilot phase concludes, we want to share some highlights with you and invite your ongoing curiosity and engagement in Venture Better's development. 

For our pilot, 13 Canadian venture portfolios were selected to provide cross-Canada representation. Perhaps not surprisingly, most potential for goal alignment was seen in Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) but there were interesting regional and portfolio differences, including where some risks are evident for negative contribution to the SDGs. 

View our Data Summary here.

Key Insights

In short, of the 500 Canadian ventures screened:

  • 76.6% show potential, unrealized alignment with the SDGs

  • 46.2% reveal intentional alignment

  • 28.80% show a net positive contribution

  • 13.8% risk a negative impact

The screening process itself would not have been possible without the partnership of cohort based programs at universities and innovation hubs. Venture Better has created a self directed and relevant training program which can be delivered in teams or individually - online or in-person. People performing the alignment screens can also pursue a professional development pathway that includes the opportunity to engage at increasing depth with the venture ecosystem. 

This pilot phase was completed with the support of the SDG Unit of Employment and Social Development, Canada. We are now continuing our work, building partnerships with portfolio managers and venture ecosystem stakeholders who want to activate their ventures and leverage their SDG alignment for superior outcomes and returns. As we do this, we look forward to further engagement with students and young professionals in our delegate program, and diving further into the data as it develops and deepens. 

To learn more about this pilot, read through our Executive Summary or for more information or to get engaged, reach out and Say Hello!


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